Monday, March 2, 2009

Been staying away from the news, starting to wear me down. The only thing I can say is B.O. has not been well recieved by the marines...then again he's failed to show them any sense of support.

The market has done very well under his leadership too. I guess everyone is starting to realize that big business will soon be a part of the past or owned by the government.


(Scared To Death)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Last night I did not watch the President's speech. I don't need to listen to someone talk out of both sides of their mouth. Too many contradictions in his administration, too many contradictions to what he promised, a phony rallying for the economy...couldn't subject myself...America's hands are tied...what they want to do is what they're going to do. ..we're all fucked.

What I did watch was Primetime on ABC, it was a program about what people do in various situations. They had people who ran out of gas and had to ask people at a gas station for a few gallons of gas, they had people talking very loud on cell phones in restaurants, and the reactions of the other patrons, and of course the group of white kids vs. the group of black kids ,in a park, in a predominantely (somewhat wealthy) white neighborhood, destroying somebody's car....what would people do in this situation when coming upon this scene....naturally some called police...some confronted them directly...some simply walked by. Then they put a group of black kids in the same situation...what would people do. They claim more people called the police...not as many confronted them directly.....blah blah blah. They also placed 2 black people sleeping in a car in the parking lot of the same park. They got more calls on that car then they did on the white kids destroying the car...the insinuation is that it was white people who called about those 2 black people sleeping in the car. We are constantly told, as Americans, to report what seems to be out of the ordinary or suspicious, I know the area they filmed this segment and 2 black guys sleeping in a car in the parking lot IS out of the ordinary, black kids destroying a car IS out of the ordinary in this area. Try it in a more inter-racial area and see what you get. The one thing missing from both scenarios was a black person walking by. When you watch these programs the black person is always the victim of racism by a white person. When watching these kind of programs they never have a black person walk by as an upstanding citizen, to see how they would handle the situation. This is a constant slap on the hand to white people over and over again. They set these scenes up for exactly the controversal response they want to get...the media is so corrupt. They think they are liberal but they create hate. They perpetuate the division between black and white. What it also does is always put black people in the thug or the disadvantaged position. What does that say about black people. That says that these are the only rolls they play in society. What that show did was to make young black people hate white people even could see that when he interviewed the black kids at the end of the segment.

Again, racism will always exist. There will always be white people who hate black AND black people who hate white. There is no wrong or right on either side. But in this day and age to portray white people as the instigators is not doing any justice to society. It just gives black people an excuse to not change their culture. Worse than that, it is the white people who put this out there. They constantly produce shows like the one I watched last about is skewed towards the "bad behavior" of these white people. This is not bad behavior, they assess the situation and they react...they either walk by because they are scared or they call the police. Personally I would have told the host, John whatever his name is (big balls) to fuck off if I were one of his victims. Not a single person did anything wrong and yet he made them feel bad. This shit is propaganda...I'm sick of it.

The majority of inmates in our prisons are black or latino. I've seen black cops arrest black people. Most of the cop killers are black...most of the drug dealers are black. Change the legacy!!!! Everyone has an opportunity in this country. Although I would have to rethink that with all the spending BO is doing, he's spending our children's money and destroying big business.

On another note, the audacity of BO to get up last night and tell government backed businesses that they will no longer fly on private jets ,when the people who sit up there with him fly on them. That's our tax money people...Pelosi on a private jet...Barbara Feinstein flying in her husband's private jet..lets check her expense reports and see who she charges the $80,000 trip to. Besides that, that is not very green!!!! Why bother putting shit in the stimulus bill supporting global warming if you're all going to fly around the world in your private jets. Private jets are great, I wish I had one too...personally I say fuck global warning....and Al Gore...the hypocrisy is astounding!!!!!

You can all eat shit... I'm done!


(Scared To Death)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Today I received very distressing news about a family acquaintence, he was a police officer, and was killed by a drunk driver early Sunday morning. He was on his way to a call when a drunk driver, with prior DUI arrests, slammed into his patrol car, the car hit a poll, and burst into flames. I don't understand, where are the laws prohibiting this trash to get behind the wheel of a car, he was arrested in January for drunk driving and they still gave him a conditional license...what the hell is wrong with this picture. Thats all those damn liberals in Washington with the "everyone has a right" bullshit...let that right be the right of some drunk driver to kill someone in their family and you'll see how fast the laws begin to change. This police officer was an upstanding citizen with a wife and kids, his job was protecting the lives of others and I applaude his effort in trying to make this world a safer place. He will be missed by his family and friends . I hope he is in a better place....RIP!

God Bless America!

(Scared To Death)

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Today Show has always been a morning staple in my home. This morning I woke up to Matt Lauer, Brian Williams and that bald bleeding heart liberal from CNBC ganging up on Rick Santelli for speaking out against Obama's $75 billion mortgage plan, of course they referred to it as a "rant" and "antics", they spun it like it was a humorous and ridiculous reaction. At least it was a true and honest reaction, he is speaking for the American people just as the other three morons think they are, unfortunately I dont agree with them. Those three puppets' noses are so far up Obama's ass I can see their faces everytime B.O. opens his mouth to speak. Matt Lauer really feels we should make sacrifices, as Huckabee said , we are making sacrifices, we're sacrificing our children's futures. It's easy to be so liberal when you have $30 million sitting in the bank and a job that your not at risk of losing.

We have worked hard to save money so that our autistic son will financially be okay when we die. Maybe Mr. Lauer would like to sacrifice a portion of his fortune to supplement the money we're losing to all these B.O. spending programs. I watch the Today for information, news, current events, not skewed personal opinions of the hosts. The Today Show is forever banned in my house.

Question of the day: Is racism when a white person is offensive towards a black person or does it work the other way as well? I only ask because I've never really heard anyone accuse a black person of being racist. As a white person should I be offended by people who didn't vote for McCain because he is white, trust me that is why alot of blacks didn't vote for racist!!!! Oprah is a big fat racist...she has all her white followers so bamboozled.
I'm tired of B.O. 's scare tactics. Everytime he speaks, he's grave about America's future...this scares the people and he in turn uses that fear to spend more of our money and gain more power. This is vey dangerous. He preys on our emotions and vulnerabilities.



God Bless America!

(Scared To Death)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

O.B. please stop spending our money! For those of us who have worked hard and made a good honest living, did everything by the book.....spent within our means, paid our mortgages on time, paid all of our bills on time and lived the American dream.... we are being penalized for that. Industries got greedy, people got greedy and now we are ALL paying for that. Why does this goverment insist on bailing out all these people. They've been taking for all these years, lived on funny money and the government still feels compelled to give them more. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!

The democrats talk so much about how they're going to tax the people who make over a certain income, they're going to tax big business and give it to the middle class and the poor...well the middle class have been living pretty well for a number of years now...many chose to live beyond their means..we should not be at fault for this. I grew up in a middle class family and I never wanted for anything, there was always plenty of food, clothes on my back, nice gifts for birthdays and christmas,etc. And my father made his mortgage payment every month, on time...he had a sense of pride for all that he had worked for and he was a high school drop out to boot. There was nothing wrong with being middle class then...why do the dems make it out to be such an unfortunate class to be in...I know ...because they prey on them, make them feel inferior and then promise to take care of them at election time . So they suck the life out of the guy that happened to be monetarily successful.

I love my country and I have always felt very fortunate to be an American...these days I feel like a cornered animal...there is no where to go to escape....I am told everyday that my family will be paying another tax for some other bailout..remember this ,the people who are putting all of this in place do not walk in our shoes, they are entitled. Geithner, Daschel are the perfect examples...the IRS would have stalked you and I if we failed to pay taxes , Geithner actually got a promotion! What's done is done but remember this in the future.

This administration is incredibly arrogant, right down to president B.O. The hypocrisy is insulting to the Americans, right now we have no voice..they don't care. This is one big political game the two parties play

The Attorney General spoke today on racism...racism will always exist in the world. I am tired of black people moaning about it. Obviously the majority of the country is not racist, because they voted in a black president. What this black president and the first lady represent, is that we all have the same opportunities in this country, it is up to the individual to reach out and grab it regardless of race or religion. B.O. should be the reason for them not to have excuses, he defied everything that black people complain about. They now should hold themselves responsible for their own successes or lack there of. They control their own destinies. They have been afforded many more priviledges today then any other race in this country. The White Awards (Essence Awards) would never be tolerated, a white history month or how would Oprah feel if we had the media cover a ball for strictly white women and finally, there is no such thing as reverse racism, whether a white person assaults a black person or vice-a-versa it's all racism. Not only am I Puerto Rican but my husband is jewish and I have an autistic child. I encounter prejudice everyday...could be something I hear on TV or someone using the term retard ...we will never have an unpejudiced racist free society. I don't complain about it, I draw strength from it and realize my success. Dwelling on it perpetuates the situation. If you point out the differences in people you will get a reaction and not necessarily a positive one. What we endure in this life is what gives us purpose to get up every morning and go after our successes and overcome our failures, it is our history, it is life.


(Scared To Death)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

First Timer

Every day I wake up, turn on the TV and I am instantly bombarded with a skewed media cramming the doings of the democrats down my throat. When the smoke and dust clear I then come to the realization that our futures and our chidren's futures will be owned by the government. I'm starting to feel like I no longer have control of my life...the question is, how long has all of this been in the making? This started way before the Bush Admin., an economic disaster of this magnitude does not happen in 8 years. Banks deregulated their lending guidelines during the Clinton admin. Dodd ran that crusade. Banks just figured out how to benefit from it. Bush admin. didn't do anything to stop it or help it. Real estate bottoms out, toxic loans, unemployment grows, enter Madoff and all the other pricks in the "same line of business, automakers fail, that's surprising, that was only in the making for about the last ten years and they knew it, the executives and the unions just cared about their own bank accounts.

Fast forward to this new stimulus package, which even Obama didn't stick around to read, he was off to Chicago to have dinner in Oprah's personal chef's restaurant. How long has he been in office? He should at least pretend that he cares...I mean it's only going to cost Americans huge tax hikes...why stick around. This is supposed to be (as Pelosi said) transformational. For who, the democrats because they won that battle. I thought he was going to be the people's president. And all this talk about transparency, they certainly are transparent. I hope Pelosi had a safe trip to Italy on one of the government jets.....she 's dangerous. I wish I could go to Italy, but I can't, I'm saving my money to pay taxes on all this genius spending these idiots in Washington are doing and they won't lend me a jet on your dollar either.

Why do people kiss this guy's ass...don't they realize he's an inexperienced puppet for Pelosi, Reid and the rest of their posse. If he knew what he was doing he would have read the bill out of respect for the American people, because we are the ones who are going to foot this bill. They are as bad as they accuse the Republicans of being. They are bullies just like the republicans were. They are going to do it their way, with their own personal agendas and skrew the Americans whether they like it or not. This our government and it's getting better, we are the monkeys in the middle. These two parties play these games with one another at the cost of the American people. It's about who wins over the other, it has nothing to do with us or we wouldn't be paying the bill for saving some mouse in the hills of California or even better bailing out the auto industry which is going to fail anyway, but Pelosi 's so in bed with the unions and she has the nerve to hand that bill to the American people. Now they are back on capitol hill with their hands out again and she's going to give them more. In the end, they will fail and we will never get paid back anyway, so why give them more. Nobody's buying cars in this economy period. Loss of homes, loss of jobs dictate that. Even if the stimulus package creates jobs, it will never be soon enough to help the automakers! If people are unemployed, taxcuts and tax breaks will not help.

For the kids in college who have aspirations of being successful wealthy business men and women, good luck, under this administration big businesses will not grow. For those of you who want to be doctors and lawyers and even entrepeneurs, you will be penalized for making too much money. You will share your money with the rest of the country, those who might not be as fortunate as you, will now get a piece of your hard earned money. That's would be the end of capitalism in this country. The "American Dream" will truly be an unrealized dream for many. How did we get here!!!!!

Tomorrow I start this all over again, Fox, CNN, NBC, watching CNBC with it's fictional stockmarket...I can't believe it's only dropped to the 7500 range in this economy it should be in the 5000 range. With bad news day in and day out what the hell is supporting this smells bad.

Let me finish by saying that the economy of this country is much more important to me than making history by electing a black president, that being said, the president being black is not going to make or break this country; experience, competency and respecting the people who put him on his "throne" is what will. I pray this country can recover, I'm just not feeling confident with what I've seen so far.



(Scared To Death)